The Shadowdark Shuffle

Hi, all.

After some feedback from recent hands-off playtesting I have made some changes based on said feedback.


  • Added Finding A Dungeon step to the setup
    • This is purely to avoid confusion and state that the deck needs to be shuffled
    • Shuffling the deck to generate a new dungeon was so intuitive to me that I failed to consider it in the rules
  • Reworded parts of the setup section to make space and simplify language
  • Changed Starting A New Round to Ending A Round
    • Putting the steps within this section at the end of the round made more sense for some of the other changes in this update
  • Moved the "once each player gets a turn" bit to the Ending A Round section
  • Expanded on the Burn step in the Ending A Round section
    • Wanted to make clear that the Torch Queue burns through remaining kindling when the party leave the dungeon
  • Rephrased Curses
  • This was to include keeping relics face up in front of players
  • Added additional detail to the Aces curse
    • This was so I could hint at it's intended benefits
    • Also to make clear that Aces don't cost actions with this "curse"
  • Changed Return to Town to Leave
    • Wanted to make things slightly less descriptive and more action-based
    • Worried that mention of a town may lead to confusion
  • Included mention of not shuffling the deck when the party rests
  • Specified some definitive win conditions in the Winning The Game section
    • Wanted to keep things vague to encourage parties to define their own win conditions because I feel Crawl lends itself to that very well
    • I really wanted to stick with the catchy line of "Surviving is thriving but treasure is better" but generally people prefer more concrete definitions

That's about it. I hope I am done. It feels right. Gonna work on a special copy of the game with custom deck of cards with artwork and everything but I'm sure where to start with that since there aren't any proper game printer options where I live as far as I know and I need to source the right artist. I will keep ye updated here on itch if I make any progress there.

Later days! Have a great Summer.

P.S. Shoutout to ChronoDM on discord for saying the following about Crawl:
"Play it in and out of our campaign. The table loves it. Even my children love it"

"I primarily use it in game with a Cajun accented info broker that drifts in and out of town. So he'll offer ANY information to the victor and the players are welcome to team up against him or just get the info that only their character is interested. Mostly they work together, but I've got a very selfish wizard looking for powerful magic items that likes to turn on the party so he can win lol."
...and shoutout to said very selfish wizard xD


Crawl v3.2.pdf 226 kB
May 13, 2024

Get Crawl

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